Grace Church-on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Ave.
Members of the Forest Hill Village BIA are invited to attend the 2017 Annual General Meeting:
Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
Grace Church On-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd
Call to Order and Introductions by the Chair
Approval of the Agenda
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Welcome from Councillors Joe Mihevc and Josh Matlow
Approval of 2016 AGM Minutes
Presentation by Plant Architect Inc. – Updated Streetscape Masterplan
Review of 2016 Auditor’s Report
Appointment of 2017 BIA Auditor
Proposed 2018 Budget
Other business
Closing Remarks and Adjournment
The purpose of this meeting is to decide on the BIA's program and budget for 2018 (see over). This program is paid for by a special levy charged to BIA members. As a member of the BIA, the best way to participate in the decisions your BIA is making on your behalf is to get involved. If you wish to obtain a copy of the complete proposed budget or audited financial statement, please contact the BIA.
For more information contact Yvonne Bambrick, Executive Director, FHV BIA via email
Proof of BIA membership will be required. Please bring photo ID and either a business card, utility bill showing business/tenant name and address, or your City of Toronto property tax bill.